Fallon: How do I look?
Avery : The dress looks great on you.
Fallon: Your sure Glowey doesn't mind lending it to me.
Avery: All of us "Dolly Dwellings" dolls share are things. she didn't mind.
Avery: Here is Moonglow now. She'll let you know if she minds.
Moonglow: Well sugar don't you look Divine in that dress. You feel free to borrow it anytime you want. I'll see you girls later.
Fallon: Thank You!
Avery: See I told you you had nothing to worry about. I borrow clothes all the time and you don't see me worrying.
Deuce: Hey Kid, Those are my pants!
Avery: Relax, I'm just borrowing them.
Deuce: It's not borrowing if you don't ask. That's called stealing!
Deuce: I want my pants back now! I'll wait while you go change.
Deuce: Hey what's up?
Fallon: You know you pull off the skirt really well.
Deuce: thanks kid.