Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Greetings and Salutations.
Life is full of adventure and my life is no exception. I have been away for a while enjoying life but now I have returned.
While I was away there have many changes in the land of Dolly Dwellings. We have a whole barrage of new tenants. I have a list of them to share with you now and we will take a more in depth look at most of them at a later date.
many new Princesses and princes have decided to settle here from a place called Disney.
A funny little group of dolls called LaLa Loopsey with button eyes seem to be here to stay.

There are also some non-dolly vinyl figures who have decided to make The DD home. (I came up with DD all by my self. Isn't it cute? Once again we have some toys from a place called Disney. They go by the name Vinylmation but really they are just mice.
We also have some boxie little Characters called Pop! Isn't that fun. But my personal favorite new toys in town are the little unicorns called Unicornos by Tokidoki. There are also more of those spooky little Tragic toys for Girls and boys.
Dolly dwellings is really becoming more crowded everyday. Oh well it just gives me a bigger audience.
Because of Lavina now you are in the know.

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