Friday, May 13, 2011

Picture day at inanimate middle school.

Fallon- how was picture day for you girls.
Meadow- my pictures came out fine. I did asked them if they could change my background to a Forest. I thought it would compliment my personality better than this setup.
Avery- What did they say?
They didn't. All they said was " say cheese"  "would you please look at the camera" and "next".
Fallon- how about you Avery?
Avery-  The lady taking the pictures seemed to have a bit of an attitude if you ask me. After I asked her to retake my picture for a third time she got all huffy and said I was holding up the line. She didn't seem to understand that the kids behind me didn't mind because I was keeping the poor souls out of class even longer then they anticipated. They did turn out alright in the end thought.
Meadow-so how did yours go Fallon?
Fallon- great! One shot. Loved it! Done. However Meadow I like the idea of asking for a different background. I have got to get some pictures with a cheesy 1980's laser background.