Monday, June 25, 2012

Hi everyone.
Let me ramble for a while about how I have gone crazy. Feel free to disapprove of my doll collecting habits. Just disagree in a nice way. There is a nice way and a mean way to say everything.

My BJD collecting story.
I am pretty sure I have mentioned that I basically have been collecting dolls since I was four when my dad bought me a porcelain doll.
fast forward to my twenties. collecting barbies leads to collecting Blythe which leads to collecting Pullip which is how I discovered BJD's this is around 2008. In 2009 I decide I am going to collect BJD's. So I start research and save. I don't decided what doll is going to be my first until 2011 I have been saving this whole time. I have quite a stash. I buy my first doll a Fairyland Minifee then I learn they are stopping production of Delfs so I bought a Miyu (so glad I did. she is my fav.) Then they re released the elemental Guardians. I needed Erzulie. so I got her. And then I fell in love with the Secretdoll Persons and there were limited holiday ones so I got one. I purchased Four BJD's in three months. That's a lot I agree. But I love them all. 
So you got four dolls but you love them all whats the problem?  Well...
I have been at it again. BIG TIME. I wasn't going to tell anyone because I didn't want people to judge me badly. But then I thought. It's my money. I can use it anyway I want.

So here is my list.
remember I asked you to be kind.
1.) I have two free choice (YO-SD sized) on the way. Beyla and Alk.
2.) I have three Leekeworld heads on the way (we all know why.) two were on my list. I was planning on getting them next year. One was an impulse buy.

Thats it for now but I plan on getting more thing next pay period and the one after that also. By the end of summer I will have a LOT of dolls.

Some might say too many. I say just enough. (for now)



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